A Subdomain is an auxillary website to your main website. A Subdomain has a seperate web address then your main website.
The web address is of the form "Subdomain name.main Website Name".The idea is to share your website space
with one or nore Subdomains. A Subdomain can be closely related to your main website or completely
different. Most website Servers allow one or more Subdomains to be added to your website. The subdomain is
a complete website.
The website to the right ====> is an example Website Subdomain.
It shares the same web host as the cn2r.net website.
This subdomain is a full website at virtually no extra cost. Many people have created subdimains
such as bill.smith.com, Jill.smith.com, joey.smith.com ....
Subdomain Website (click on image for interactive demo)
The website to the right ====> is a mapped Website Subdomain.
This subdomain has been mapped to a page on the cn2r.net website.
This mapping allows a nice short URL web address, http://log.cn2r.net
to point to any page in your website.
The actual URL is
http://cn2r.net/cn2r/logviews/callsign logview.aspx
mapped Subdomain Website (click on image for interactive demo)